It's National Sour Candy Day!
It's National Sour Candy Day!
Today is the 3rd Annual National Sour Candy Day. This day was founded in 2015 by the American Licorice Company and declared by the Registrar at National Day Calendar to bring notice to the taste bud-awakening flavors, which adds a punch of youthful energy and a twist of fun to every flavor combination out there1. Although sour candy consumption can be fun –and hilarious when looking at others faces, for that first moment it can very well be terse and unexpected.
Sour faces and wincing are not exclusively made by tart candy. Have you ever seen a request for court attendance, or needed to get legal advice that no one immediately could provide to you? Bad legal advice and assistance can sucker punch you right down to your taste buds. No need to worry because LegalEASE has your back, offering legal help with any disputes that may make your face scrunch up in shock. Having a legal plan in place helps you rest assured that you’ll be prepared for whatever problem may arise, no matter how sour, tart or bitter it may be.
1. “National Sour Candy Day,” National Day Calendar,
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